Anja Gram: Illustrator, brought Greeting Cards and a Childrens Book
Marianne Lundov: Felted Hats and Scarves
Diannas Hatte: Fancy Hats and Headbands
Mette Duch Olesen: Childrens fleece sweaters
Pia Pamperin: Ofelias Opal, High End Jewelry
Dorthe Walbum: Paintings
Inge-lise Kristensen: Paintings
Kathrine Smedegaard: Was sewing a fur stola, but on her site shows headbands
Do check them out :)
Now for the show ... I have to say, it was a bit of a dissapointment. It was really very slow, and we had expected many more people. I don't know where the arrangers got their numbers, but they were quite a bit off.
I did sell a few pieces. 6 to be exact, in 3 full days! Two of them to my fellow angels. How is that for slow? That does not cover my booth fee at all, or my supplies.
I did get tempted by other sellers to spend money on their stuff though. I was especially pleased to meet (jewelry displays) from whom I got a neckdisplay off the bargain bin. I have been looking high and low for one of those, and this was a great price. I also got 10 earring displays (to use on my next show ...) at a quarter of the price I had had quoted from a different guy (in a jewelry shop) some time ago. Excellent! I should have gotten one of those acrylic pointy things, for photographing rings on, but they live in Copenhagen too, so it's not a problem.
I also got the custom inscriped cap from my last post, and a bodyscrub with salt from the dead sea for my mother.
I'd like to link you to Sine Strøm too. I can't pull off wearing her clothes, but I really love her style and secretly wish I could :)
I had to eat too of course (yay for the 2 chocolate stands, and the very nice popcorn and softice guy, who let us help empty the maschines in the evening, Yum!). Luckily I could get free water from the tap.
In all I've had a very expensive weekend, when I really were supposed/hoping to bring home a bit of cash.
We all had plenty of time to chat during the 3 days, and it was so nice to get to know and speak to all of the great ladies in our group, and the surrounding people too.
We also had time to think, and I have come to a few conclusions.
1) I need more than 3 weeks to prepare propperly for a show, it can make me very tense. I did have a lot of nice pieces ready though, and since it was a shared space and my table wasn't too big, it all worked out well this time.
2) I need to settle on a specific style, rather than be all over the place. This may be mainly to help myself focus.
3) I need to figure out my target audience, which will of course be related to the style I settle on. I gave out a lot of cards, but several seemed to take them only to be polite. Many did go to have a look though, which was nice. I had gotten myself placed in the center of our area, so I had to point my table out to people if they were to notice it. The lights helped a bit, I will always request lights. On the last day I got half a day on the outer rim which was much better. I will not volounteer for a center space again.
4) It dawned upon me that since I never have the time to do it when working up to a show (based on my 2 tries :), I should go ahead and make the folder I want now. Now is when I have time, and then it will be ready when I need it, and will not make me tense the next time. Clever, eh? I'd also like nice printed signs proclaiming 'Unique Handmade Beads and Jewelry' and 'Please Touch!'. Also - stamping my new boxes in advance would be a plus :)
5) I like to dress nicely. I should do that more ... It just doesn't have much purpose when going to work.
I'm sure I thought of more, but now I'm back at home/work and thinking of other things again. It's time to work some more on my website, which by the way was freshly up-loaded in a new version last thursday. Go have a look at Profusion Art Glass and rest assured I will update and add stuff over the next couple of weeks.
If you have suggestions of sections you'd like me to make, do let me know, yes?