Thursday, January 02, 2014

Happy New Year! (and a gift!)

Is it just me, or is everybody a tad more energetic and hopeful around new years?

I sure am felling a forward rush of happy energy, even enough to get me out of hiding and start blogging again. Yay!

I have a lot of new lovelies to show you over the next couple of weeks, but first - a new years explosion as seen from my balcony. BAM!

Thank you Google, for adding the sparkle :)

And now for some great and exciting news ... There's a new lampwork forum being launched, Yay!

I have spent part of my holiday writing 'How-to's and setting up challenges for the brand new lampwork bead forum I have been co-launching for the Danish beadmakers!

It's about time we had a forum of our own, there are a lot of us by now, and I know there are people who have troubles with english speaking forums.

So here we are, it is not a secret anymore, if you speak/write enough Danish (or other northern language) to have a proper conversation, please come and join us at

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