I really had thoughts of going to bed early today, so I could be nicely refreshed for tomorrow, but no, I had to wait to the last day to pack my beads, jewelry and display-stuffs. Now it is midnight, but at least I am done. I think ...
Tomorrow I will be at the Bazar at La Oficina on Frederiksberg. It is a very nice place, and apparently we'll be 40 artists selling all kinds of crafts, so the 2 hours (7-9pm) we are there for, will run by quickly.
Be there, or be square! (foreigners and people living far away are excused ;)
Pics will follow at my earliest convenience (which may not be until saturday, because friday I will be watching the performance of Blixa Bargeld! Oh yes, we love that man, but hey, that is not the event I wanted to talk about).
Anyway, there will be 2 more Bazars before christmas, and here is the info in Danish:

Goodnight :)
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