In just one week (6 days to be precise) I will attend my second beadmaking class ever. The first one was a beginners course, just to get me started, and it was over 3 years ago! This time I am splurging on myself by having enrolled in a 2 day class taught by Larry Scott.
The class will be held at Bifrost Studioglas, which is where I went for my beginners course too, and where I get most of my glass. It is a great place I think, and I look much forward to 2 whole days of torching.
Imagine that, hours and hours on end of melting glass and learning new tricks. It will be glorious! And further more, I have arranged for a day off from work the day after, so I will have time to go through everything again at home. Super!
I have recieved a mail with pictures of the beads he'll teach us, and they look fantastic (can't show you, because I haven't asked permission, sorry). I look much forward to learning the techniques and trying it all out for myself. Both his byzantine beads and windowbeads are there, and also a lovely black one with silverblue swirls, looking like a galaxy in outer space.
The course was a spur of the moment thing, as Larry Scott was going to be in Denmark for the opening of an exhibition at Bornholms Kunstmuseum. It's all about glass beads and opens today. I hope to get to go and see it myself later in the year. It runs from january 17'th to march 14'th 2010.
In other beady news, besides lots of purple beads, I made this guy.
Unfortunately he is stuck on the mandrel and is now living with one of my favourite plants :)
hi, han er fin. men det er måske meget godt han sidder på pinden, ellers skulle han vel hænge med hovedet ned af? hvis han var et bedhæng.
ups. Vedhæng. her er mørkt :-)
What great face! Enjoy your Larry Scott class!
@ one-eared pig: thank you :) I am all set to go. It will be great :)
@ Hanne: Tak :) Jo men han er ikke et vedhæng. Jeg tænkte han skulle være en lille figur. Men han er fin i min blomst :)
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