I did get a couple of hours of torchtime in on sunday though, and here is some of what I made.
A goddess, nice and slender, and big! It's been a while since I made one last, and I were surprised to see that she is very close to the size of my largest ever goddess. Which is nice since I want to go bigger.
A purple leaf pendant bead, like the one I sold at Valdemar Slot Christmas Market.
And two tops for plantsticks. They would be lovely pendants, but they are huge!
Then I decided to end the day with another goddess. Unfortunately I forgot to keep her heated while fiddling with the neck and shoulder area, and she exploded :/ If you can use a broken goddess do let me know and I'll send her to you. Something mosaic perhaps? She is complete except that she has no nipples. It is the very last thing I do when making a goddess, and the only thing undone on her. And she is not annealed. (ETA: the broken Goddess is on her way to a good home)